

Dawn - 17th January 2025 - John 10:14-15

What does it mean to be known?

How do you quantify that?

As with many words, we’ve cheapened its use over the past century, and so we’ll often hear people talk about knowing things or people that they have no connection with whatsoever. On the flip side, we recognise some other kinds of knowledge that go beyond this. When we talk about knowing someone biblically it confers a level of intimacy reserved for marriage. That seems to be our spectrum then, right?

Where does Jesus’ knowledge fit? He says:

“I am the good shepherd. I know my own and my own know me, just as the Father knows me and I know the Father; and I lay down my life for the sheep.”

— John 10:14-15

I would suggest that if fake knowledge is a 1, and biblically knowing someone is a 10, we cannot even calculate the value of God’s knowledge. He knows every hair on our head1, he knew us before the universe began2, and he has searched even the depths of our hearts3.

No one on earth could ever know us so well, and yet he has gone a step further! Not only does he know us, but he has made himself known to us too.

Let’s pray.

Praying through the Bible

Good Shepherd,

You know your own, and you have counted me as one of them,
I know you, I have seen your works, and have felt your joy in my heart.
I know the depths of love you have for me, help me to dive yet deeper into them.

As the Father knows you, so do you know the Father;
Father, Spirit, Son, Holy Trinity,
Be with me, and I with you.

Let me never cease wondering at the generosity of your perfect love,
That you would lay down your life for your friends,
and that you have counted me among them.


Today’s Readings

  • John 10

  • Psalm 27

  • Exodus 15-17

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Matt 10:30


2 Tim 1:9


Rom 8:27

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