In his right hand he held seven stars, from his mouth came a sharp two-edged sword, and his face was like the sun shining in full strength.
— Revelation 1:16
The book of revelation is magnificent. Throughout the Bible we get these rare glimpses past the veil of heaven’s door, where those present transcend time and space altogether.
If we are to understand this book, the answer isn’t to demystify it. We shouldn’t seek to try and tie events or images in Revelation to the past, present, or future in an attempt to uncover more grounded explanations of the text. Instead, we need to remystify ourselves.
There is, of course, much for scholars to draw out from this book, but while they do that, let’s just wonder at it for a moment. Before we dig ourselves, we should stop to observe, to take in the full scope of the task ahead of us. Most importantly, we need to pay attention to the one who gave us this message in the first place.
Who is this who holds stars in his hand? Whose speech is so sharp that it has become itself a sword, and with a face that outshines the brightest sun?
How does John respond?
When I saw him, I fell at his feet like a dead man. He laid his right hand on me and said, “Don’t be afraid. I am the First and the Last, and the Living One. I was dead, but look—I am alive forever and ever, and I hold the keys of death and Hades.
Revelation 1:17–18
This hand that held stars now holds onto John. This most blessed friend whom Jesus loved on earth, and for whom he died. John saw a glimpse of this before, but now he sees Jesus in his fulness.
Do you see him? Can you push past the desire to wrap your head around this, and instead have your mind warped and changed by the possibility of such splendiferousness! This is our Jesus. He is the first and the last. The Living One. Dead but now fully alive.
How glorious is our God!
Let’s pray.
Praying through the Bible
Help me to see you today.
You hold me in your right hand,
you hold your church close,
just as you held John.
When John saw you,
He fell at your feet like a dead man.
O how I wish I could have fallen beside him,
How glorious will that day be,
When finally I see you face to face.
You have said: “Don’t be afraid.” — so, purge me of all ungodly fear.
I am the First and the Last — eternal, yet you humbled yourself and came to us.
and the Living One — in whose life we now live, who called us to himself!
You were dead, but look—you are alive forever and ever!
You alone hold the keys of death and Hades.
I trust you Lord, to do justly with your people,
to open doors that seem locked away forever,
for if you can open heaven’s gates to me,
what could possibly be beyond your power?
Today’s Readings
Revelation 1:9-16
Psalm 28
Exodus 18-20
Genesis 2
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The language of remystification I used in this piece was drawn from the work of Malcom Guite. Although I have since lost the video in which he used this word, I’d love to introduce you to him here all the same. If anyone alive has met an Ent in person, it might well be Guite.
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